There are only 4 scenarios worth considering.
1) God exists and you believe in him.
a. You will probably live a pretty good life and when you die..happy day.
2) God exists and you don’t believe in him.
a. Death may include an eternal fire, a spit, and slow roasting.
3) God doesn’t exist and you believe in him.
a. You will probably live a pretty good life and when you die, you’ll never know he doesn’t exist.
4) God doesn’t exist and you don’t believe in him.
a. Doesn’t really matter, because nothing really matters…in the long, long run.
So based on these scenarios, there is only one case that really matters. That is, that God exists and you don’t believe in him....because eternity is sooo long. Therefore, you should believe in God. It is a pretty simple argument but I can go one better. I won’t offer some statistical reason to believe, I will just cut to the chase and offer proof of his existence. Only a God could create something so magnificent. If proof is in the pudding, here is the puddin’. I give you Lena.

'Nuff said.
And may I go one step, when I saw pictures of Spitzers little play toy at 2400 per hour. My first thought was where can I find 2400 dollars & my second was Jesus Crist that's hot. didn't quite specify which group you fall under....
Hey meatwad, who is this Lena?
Lena is Lena Headey, Queen of the Spartans in 300. Sarah Conner in The Sara Conner Chronicles, and next to my wife, sexiest woman on the planet.
Group? Being Viking & not having to ever pay for sex, I fall more towards the God of Steel. I still can't help to wonder, who really did build, Lena, Sharon, Pamala, & Sara; surely not man......
Ah yes, there is great beauty but there is also great tragedy. How could a god of any sort allow a baby to be born with defects that will make its life hell on earth?
It's the same with intelligent design. Lets start with our retina. It's nerve connections exit from the FRONT and then run to the optic nerve. If it is design its not a very good one. It limits our field of vision.
Check out Neil De Grasse Tyson's talks on this. For instance, why put an amusement park next to a sewage treatment plant?
Dream On!
truthspew: I only was commenting on God's existence, not his nature. Never said he wasn't a cruel or that he didn't have a sick sense of humor.
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