You people need to understand a few things when it comes to clothing choices. First, fashion is not universal, what looks good on one rarely, if ever, looks good on the masses. Second, less is not always more, especially if you are trying to act sexy. Third, have someone take a picture of you from the back or side, so you get true view of what you have to work with. Then, deal with reality, not fantasy.
Admittedly, I dress horribly in out of date clothes, so I am not speaking to trends at all. I am only talking about certain clothes on certain body types and being honest with yourself about what you can and cannot pull off.
The major type of clothing that seems to confuse people is the sexy wear, so I’ll address that here. I am a man, so I think I’m the one you are trying to impress which makes my opinion worth something. Plus, I’ve talked to enough guys to know that these feelings are somewhat universal. Here are a few categories of what you think you look like and what you really look like.
Sexy thong vs. Whale Tail

Sexy Back vs. Muffin Top

Belly Shirt vs. I Shouldn’t be wearing a Belly Shirt

Cleavage vs. Dear Lord, put ‘em away

I think you people wear these clothes because you want to look sexier, but you are doing exactly the opposite. You are accentuating the bad and moving from looking sexy to looking like a bowl of raised dough wrapped in rubber bands. Skinny Jeans are for 1% of the population and tube tops are for even fewer. There is something sexy about all women, figure out your asset and flaunt it..but put the rest away. Spandex is a privilege, not a right.
I am someone who doesn't do the fashion thing, it seems like too much work, as I am elderly, sort a, but I still wear a bikini. I think its how we see ourselves not how you see us. I admit some of those girls were yuk.......
Sorry honey, but elderly (even "sorta"), means wrinkly which, unfotunately for you, means you should no longer wear a bikini. Don't get me wrong, I personally am a big fan of hefty women, old wrinkly women, and women of any color, creed or motto, especially if their naked and kissing other women, but I'm a freak. Do you really want to be turning freaks on or young sexy bucks like Meatwad?
I tried on a bikini once, but it got me banned from the Farmington K-mart for life.
It's shut down now...good riddance.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly spandex goes clear to the bone. Selling ones self is hard, especially when you have no fashion ability. Play it safe if you don't have the knowledge to get it right. Women have gone too far when it comes to thinking their turning us on. Sure I love seeing a thong & a tramp stamp on their ass, but takin it home??? ( maybe the mall bathroom stall!!!)
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