There are a few private issues that never get much press because most of us don’t even like to admit we do them. I do have a couple of buddies that shy from nothing so this topic arose and I was surprised at what we found. Most of our observations came from our work restroom where foot position and weight distribution on the feet conjured images of what must be happening in the stall next door. We assert that there are only five major ways to wipe after evacuation.
Front to Back: Most common attack although variations include standing, bending, and leaning against the door. I don’t personally feel this is the most effective method because you may have substantial reaching and limited finger control at max reach. This creates a “paper trail” and results in some nasty skid marks. I think this is mainly because the bending forward causes a “pucker” effect disallowing a “deep” clean.
Back to Front: When “Baby got Back” is a fair description of you, then you may be stuck with this method. Because you have limited access due to arm length and cheek girth, you access between the legs and pull forward. This is a danger zone for girls because you don’t want to pull bacteria forward…well, you understand. Advanced finger techniques must be employed involving a middle finger drag, basically pulling forward and away at the same time. I personally feel this is the best way to minimize smearage and keep the cleanest undercarriage. Many disagree, mostly because of the male genitalia to wrist convergence issue. Maybe “bigger boys” have an issue here, I am sad to say, I don’t.
Center Pinch: This is the best method in theory ,gaining the benefits of both of the previous methods. In practice, the thumb is simply too clumsy to be effective….and you can’t pinch anything without a thumb. Also, the small area of paper actually used creates a saturation effect that just won’t doo.
Sawing Lumber: None of us really knows what goes on here, but we have heard many people pull paper from the roll and then go into an ungodly see-saw sound swishing back and forth very vigorously. I’ve never tried this but I think they must be just rubbing and smearing back and forth until they rub most of the residue off, or maybe into the skin. It seems nasty, but we hear the sawing lumber technique several times a week. If you happen to employ this method, feel free to leave a comment explaining your nasty ass.
Pinch it Clean: I hear about this all the time, especially in the case of no TP to be found and they are out of ass-gaskets as well (which can be used in a pinch). No man can actually do this. Extremely hot women on the other hand can, because..let’s be honest, if they do poop….it comes out wrapped in foil.
Good observations meatwad. I personally employ multiple methods, depending on the conditions. You didn't address the paper: folding versus crumpling. What say ye, fold or crumple? I suspect most people fold. -doubleD
You forgot the "Hook Shot" or what some call "The Larry Bird". You come at it from the side (not between the legs) and pull back to front. At this point you can employ several finger configurations, but I prefer "The Rake". You fold the TP into about 30 ply, and until it's about 10" square, spread your fingers out into a "Rake" or "Finger comb" configurarion and then do kind of a curved motion from your tailbone to your chode, repeat if necessary, and finish with a brisk buffing (what you call "Sawing Lumber").
So...you're telling me that you reach to your back-side---from the front---and pinch and sweep towards the taint?
Do you do this sitting down? How many times has your hand brushed the water?
Do you do this standing up? Have you ever lost your balance and tipped over?
One thing I forgot to add, and please forgive me be verbose on your blog, but I have found your postings about toilets, bathrooms, and bodily functions to be your best stuff. Keep up the good work.
I've lost my ability to bend that far, perhaps my bulk has something to do with it. I don't know what tech she uses, but my attendant does a great job. I think she driven by what clean for her is clean for her. :)
If you first spit in the paper it gives you a little extra cleaning capability. Kinda like cheap baby wipes. The moisture is much more important than the technique. Duh!
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